I think the key thing here is that it remains the case that vaccination is safe, including for people with heart conditions, who are typically prioritised for vaccination, and for immunocompromised people, who are typically prioritised and given extra doses, and that Covid-19 is particularly dangerous for both those groups. People with those conditions who've been vaccinated are safer and have considerably lowered their risk relative to those who haven't.
That's not to say your point isn't valid, that it could be considered an overstatement to state that "Nobody dies from adverse effects of the covid vaccine." But with regard to the general case of vaccination, and the specific case of people with heart conditions, it's still safe, for any reasonable usage of the word safe. Because if by 'safe' we meant 'no-one could ever die or be harmed in relation to this activity' pretty much nothing would be safe. Chess is safe, but people have died playing chess.