Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I don't know what can be done about the scourge of blatant misinformation, when the response will be First Amendment/Freedom

But the bald face lying is way out of control, I fear as bad as it is, it's not as bad as it's going to get in the coming years

..........In the past, this has meant Carlson doing his nodding-while-stunned routine while Berenson makes claims such as this: that face masks don’t slow the spread of the virus (they do). On Tuesday night, though, Berenson’s predilection for apocalyptic proclamations led to one of the most dishonest and dangerous segments in the history of Carlson’s show — which is a high, high bar to clear.

The subject was vaccines, a response to the coronavirus pandemic that Berenson has for months sought to undercut. He was on Carlson’s program in November, in fact, claiming that evidence was waning that the vaccines prevented serious injury or death but, you know, even if they did, it’s still “your own personal choice” whether you want to die, struggling to breathe in a crowded intensive care unit, intubated, your family sobbing as they watch through a nearby window. Up to you.

Now, though, Berenson has taken it further.

“I have not said this to you before, because I’m pretty careful, and I’m pretty careful with the data,” Berenson claimed, falsely. “The mRNA covid vaccines need to be withdrawn from the market now. No one should get them. No one should get boosted. No one should get double-boosted. They are a dangerous and ineffective product at this point against omicron,” the most prevalent variant in the United States.

I want to be careful here not to overstate the case. But Berenson’s career is now largely predicated on precisely this sort of denialism. It’s what powers his Substack subscriptions; it’s what gets him on Carlson’s show; it’s what landed him an interview with Joe Rogan. And when your profile and income are predicated on claiming that you alone are standing athwart a global conspiracy, there is a tendency to continue to amplify your assertions to keep the audience on the hook.

For the audience, the thrill is being part of the elite few who see behind the curtain. In an insightful Twitter thread, writer Julian Sanchez labeled this “cinematic epistemology,” a belief system rooted in the assumption that the world works the way action movies do. That, in other words, Berenson is the protagonist who will soon reveal that the heavy machinery of government has long been up to no good, deceiving the public. In reality, of course, Berenson and those like him are simply leveraging this impulse for attention and money...........