Nobody dies from adverse effects of the covid vaccine.
And, you're on a crusade obviously to try to convince yourself and the rest of us that un-vaxed people are unfairly being discriminated against.
I find that to be a silly notion. First, discrimination against those who refuse medical advice while appealing to medical advisers is not unfair. Second, treating people who make difficult decisions differently is completely reasonable. I don't force vegans to eat wagyu when they come to my house and that's very reasonable. Finally, for this post, if the decision making board comes to the conclusion that there is a better candidate based on their criteria and the anti-vax clown is left out in the cold then all of us are better off even if the other guy who received it dies.
You are confusing principle with opinion. If he's prepared to die due to his opinion that vaccines are dangerous or whatever then he has to live or die with that decision. Nobody is forcing him to refuse medical advice.