Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Quoted from your story:

She didn't die from the vaccine man, I know the paid for examiner may have received a false negative test. 1 in 5 people with COVID are getting false negatives. However it's quite a stretch to say this women died of the vaccine, which is pretty much what DTC said would happen.
The family had to pay for the autopsy because the state wouldn't perform one and the state didn't want it put out that the vaccine could have played a part in her death. They initially stated that she died from COVID.
They found a blood clot.
But your quoted statement takes us right back to my original points about the heart transplant story. If you brushing this off like the vaccine didn't kill her 15 minutes after she took it but she died naturally due to her underlying issues, why would a patient waiting on a new heart be excluded from this risk?

the data and research on the vaccine(s) prove that they are safe, about 95% of what you post is total folks have pointed out numerous times in this thread some of what you post you either don't understand or willfully misrepresent to support your BS narratives....
Point out the "95% of what I post" as being BS and I can guarantee that there is an approved study to back up what I'm saying. You all are really trying to say that it is BS that getting the vaccine carries a health risk, when this is proven. The worse you healthy, the higher the risk. But I have not emotional attachment to anyone getting the vaccine or not, so I don't have to push a narrative. I stated that because of his condition, the vaccine poses a risk. You all are coming out the woodwork while yet ignoring the point made. I'm looking at the present risk and you are looking at the risk IF he catches COVID.