Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?
This is not true. Unvaccinated people are catching covid at a significantly faster rate than vaccinated people. So clearly it's stopping some people from getting COVID.
I'm not aware of any particular group of people who would be safer not getting vaccinated than getting vaccinated.
This does not mean there is 0 risk of getting vaccinated, of course. There is no such thing as 0 risk. But all statistical analysis done shows that every single group of people are more likely to die if they don't get vaccinated than if they do get vaccinated.
So, there really isn't a great rational reason to not get vaccinated. For every single person that I'm aware of, getting vaccinated lowers your risk of death or serious disease.
Your last statement is true but in a lot of countries around the world, this isn't the case. This is why I like how the UK presents it's data. Clear and concise; raw data and rates so we can have a real picture of what's going on.
Facts about what is being seen from UK reports:
The vaccinated are catching COVID at a much higher rate than the unvaccinated BUT vaccinated rate of hospitalization and death is much lower (even though due to the percentage of those vaccinated, there is more vaccinated in the hospital).
From what I read and heard from reputable, unbiased doctors, the vaccine does nothing to stop the spread but it sheds the viral load much faster than one that is unvaccinated. This is how the vaccinated can minimize the risk of severe symptoms and the byproduct is they are contagious for a shorter time. This can reduce the spread if all other measures are taken but they can spread the virus as easily as the unvaccinated.
If you read any of my post regarding COVID, I've never once bashed the vaccine (though I hate the mandate) and gave props for what it does in reducing symptoms, hospitalizations, and deaths.
What I'm not going to do is paint the picture like the vaccine is a cure all and there is no downsides or risk associated and in every situation, one size doesn't fit all. And I'm also not going to let someone's vaccine status determine my views towards anything about them or the situation that they find themselves in, especially when it isn't COVID related.