Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

You think you know something you don't know man. This is an excellent example of why correlation does not equal causation. That 15 minutes is meaningless. The 57 reactions of the 16.9 Million vaccines given had an average 9 days before displaying symptoms.

You don't get a vaccine and develop blood clots big enough to get lodged anywhere in 15 minutes.

That's not how it works.

That clots been floating around in her Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and hypoventilation syndrome, a breathing disorder, bloodstream getting bigger and bigger for a little while.
But in saying all of that, you can't say with surety that she would still be alive if she didn't get the shot. And why would the state try to sweep this incident under the rug?

In raw numbers or based on percentage of population or what?

Can you link this?

Frankly that sounds made up.
If people were upfront about the vaccine and what it was made to do, as opposed to pushing a narrative that makes this a wonder drug, we could look at these numbers as a major win. Yes, you can still catch COVID but look at the rate of hospitalizations and these numbers seem high compared to the vaccinated but look at the amount of people vaccinated and caught COVID compared to who is in the hospital. And now the raw numbers and rates can go hand in hand to paint a clearer and better picture.