Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I don't think it is a cure and never once said it was; you would have to be infected for it to be a cure. lol

It seems like everyone is missing the point to preach the benefits of the vaccine. Everyone wanted to jump on me about this because I said that in this situation, the vaccine presented a "present" risk because of the young man's condition. In order for the vaccine to save his life, he would first have to catch COVID but there is a risk that with his condition, he can die if he takes the vaccine. Anything discussed after that has been centered around everything but that point.

He is LIKELY to die if he gets COVID while on immune suppressants post transplant operation.

He is NOT LIKELY to die of the vaccine if he gets it.

I still don't see where vaccinated people are catching COVID at higher rates, so it's seems tome that you just made that up.