That report does not say the vaccinated catch COVID more easily than the unvaccinated.
To make that claim you need to normalize the data first -- what percentage of the vaccinated population is catching covid vs. what percentage of the unvaccinated is catching covid. That will tell you the rate, not raw cases.
For example. Let's take a population of 100,000. And let's say 95,000 of them are vaccinated. Now let's say 20,000 people get COVID from that population. 16,000 of them were vaccinated and only 4,000 were unvaccinated.
You can truthfully say that 4 times as many vaccinated people caught covid. However, only 17% of the vaccinated population caught covid and 80% of the unvaccinated population caught covid. So the rate of infection is 4 times higher in the unvaccinated population. So if your goal is to lower your risk of catching covid, then you are better off getting vaccinated.
This is actually pretty close to the actual numbers in all countries. The unvaccinated population is catching covid at about 3 times the rate as the vaccinated population