Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

That report does not say the vaccinated catch COVID more easily than the unvaccinated.

To make that claim you need to normalize the data first -- what percentage of the vaccinated population is catching covid vs. what percentage of the unvaccinated is catching covid. That will tell you the rate, not raw cases.

For example. Let's take a population of 100,000. And let's say 95,000 of them are vaccinated. Now let's say 20,000 people get COVID from that population. 16,000 of them were vaccinated and only 4,000 were unvaccinated.

You can truthfully say that 4 times as many vaccinated people caught covid. However, only 17% of the vaccinated population caught covid and 80% of the unvaccinated population caught covid. So the rate of infection is 4 times higher in the unvaccinated population. So if your goal is to lower your risk of catching covid, then you are better off getting vaccinated.

This is actually pretty close to the actual numbers in all countries. The unvaccinated population is catching covid at about 3 times the rate as the vaccinated population
The report has a section on effectiveness against transmission which clearly states that vaccines have shown effectiveness.

It also clearly states on the data tables that they "should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 infection." Because they shouldn't. Because those datasets are not suitable for that purpose.

Stop confusing your own inability to accurately interpret data with reality.
And again, if they just touted the true concrete benefits of the vaccine, would there even be a need for this sections. I've been waiting for the adjusted rates to see how things change but currently, as it stands right now based off of unadjusted case rates is the fact that the vaccinated is higher. Let's see what's comes from it and if you are being 100%, you would admit that I've not one time questioned the effectiveness of the vaccine and praised the fact that they are doing exactly what the pharmaceutical companies made them to do; keep folks from getting severe symptoms, hospitalization, and death. Do you have any reports that show the adjusted rates?

For convenience, I opened up the latest surveillance in your link, and I'm not finding anything at all that supports what you said about the vaxxed catching covid at higher rate than unvaxxed.

What section or page can you direct me to to confirm this?
Page 38 has the unadjusted rates....still waiting on to see the adjusted rates. *see above*

So, your whole point in all this flim flam is that the dude with the need for a heart has an increased risk of negative effect from the vaccine and so he should be allowed the heart despite the medical analysis that his risk is lower with the vaccine than without and, as such, puts him outside of the pool for the transfer and this is wrong.


If so, you are essentially arguing that his stupidity should allow him to bypass the smarter people who suffer from the same conditions.

Reading comprehension.
I don't think it is a cure and never once said it was; you would have to be infected for it to be a cure. lol

It seems like everyone is missing the point to preach the benefits of the vaccine. Everyone wanted to jump on me about this because I said that in this situation, the vaccine presented a "present" risk because of the young man's condition. In order for the vaccine to save his life, he would first have to catch COVID but there is a risk that with his condition, he can die if he takes the vaccine. Anything discussed after that has been centered around everything but that point.
You (and others) ignore the point being made. In his condition, the vaccine is a present risk to protect him against something that he may never get. Right after this, instead of focusing on the point being made, we have pages talking about the benefits of the vaccine, which has nothing to do with the point being made.