Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

This is HILARIOUS!!! Did you not read the LITERAL 7 pages before this telling you not to interpret the data in that manner?

Did you not read the following several pages that went over why there is definitive evidence that vaccinated people are LESS SUSCEPTIBLE to catching COVID.

The irony that you are criticizing someone else's "reading comprehension" when yours is so obviously waning is all three types of Irony rolled into one.
I read that and if you read my history, we have talked about this previously. But the thing that you would need to clarify is how am I interpreting the data and use my post to back up that assertion.

For recap, I stated that in the UK, the unadjusted rates for the unvaccinated catching COVID is lower than the vaccinated but those rates drop substantially when we are looking at hospitalization and deaths, which shows that the vaccine was effective at what it was made to do.

I also believe that if they just touted the benefits of what the vaccine was actually created to do, the footnote wouldn't be required, because this points to directly to the effectiveness of what was tested during the trials.

That being said, does anyone have or know the science behind how the vaccine minimizes the risk of infection and spreading? *honest question because I would like to know*