And again, if they just touted the true concrete benefits of the vaccine, would there even be a need for this sections. I've been waiting for the adjusted rates to see how things change but currently, as it stands right now based off of unadjusted case rates is the fact that the vaccinated is higher. Let's see what's comes from it and if you are being 100%, you would admit that I've not one time questioned the effectiveness of the vaccine and praised the fact that they are doing exactly what the pharmaceutical companies made them to do; keep folks from getting severe symptoms, hospitalization, and death. Do you have any reports that show the adjusted rates?
Page 38 has the unadjusted rates....still waiting on to see the adjusted rates. *see above*
Reading comprehension.
You (and others) ignore the point being made. In his condition, the vaccine is a present risk to protect him against something that he may never get. Right after this, instead of focusing on the point being made, we have pages talking about the benefits of the vaccine, which has nothing to do with the point being made.