Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

The leading cause of liver transplant is NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis), aka fatty liver disease. And it's strongly linked to obesity, or other metabolic syndromes. Hep C used to be the leading cause (might still be up there), but antivirals have helped with that.

So, I don't think you can push all of those folks to the bottom of the list.

They are making a conscious decision to eat poorly/lack of exercise and cause their fatty liver disease. Just like somebody can make the conscious decision to not get vaccinated. Both are putting themselves at greater mortality rates because of their decisions.

Of course there are people who can have liver disease and still be in good metabolic health due to other outlier reasons. But if your poor diet choices or choice to be sedentary and not take care of yourself resulted in your poor health, how is that different than making a conscious decision to not get vaccinated?