Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I didn't get the idea Harvard was dangling. I know I phrased all of my points in that way, but with no basis on what their board actually said. I doubt they have, but IDK.

Still, the self reported nature of the information about vaccine side effects renders it basically useless as proof that someone has died from the vaccine. It may be the greatest aggregation and trend appraisal source on the planet, but it's not proof. And, that's why I took issue with the other guys' reliance on statistics he clearly didn't understand.
There’s no reason to think that Harvard’s is the one being unreasonable and this isn’t just an ignorant guy that’s going to get himself killed over something stupid.

You can’t self-report your own death. Medical providers should be reporting those events in question. The problem is what happens when they don’t when the should. Well…family members will post them. I think that every case involving the death of someone after a medical intervention should be scrutinized. Not to blame anyone but because future lives may depend on it.