Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

False. 3 years ago my brother in law had to have a kidney transplant due to auto accident. For months following the surgery we rotated taking him to the specialist that would check the progress after the transplant. There were MANY obese people in the waiting room who had recently gotten transplants as well. They are most definitely giving people organs who are in poor metabolic health outside of special circumstances.
While many transplant centers use a BMI cutoff of 35, Mayo Clinic's kidney transplant BMI cutoff is 40. However, Mayo staff encourages bariatric surgery for patients with morbid obesity to improve general health and potential post-transplant outcomes, even if they meet pre-specified BMI goals.

Might I add that 40 BMI is considered morbidly obese. But hey, healthy at any size, right.
So is there a precedence of people being denied transplants for smoking/obese/drinking etc? If so, then this isn't really a shocking situation as some make it out to be.
My parents neighbor couldn't get a liver transplant because he couldn't go long enough without drinking. He died from liver failure because he couldn't stop drinking, but it was his own choice to make. He chose poorly..