Is Old Music Killing New Music?
Personally think record companies and radio stations are killing music. Also with the popularity of the internet, radio and Mtv seem obsolete. Youtube killed Mtv.
It will be very difficult to herd the younger generations to certain bands or singers, since kids can decide who they want to listen to instead of radio and Mtv deciding. Also, with all the illegal download or very cheap downloading, profits aren't there for most musicians.
From what I understand in the past record companies dictated who plays at the big clubs and gets played on the radio. Maybe some pop singers or groups can herd the masses, but the game has changed thanks to the internet.
The music business in whole is completely corrupt. I hear stories on how musicians are basically indebted to the record companies, just to break even is a dream. Adds more barriers for good music to be heard.
You have independent labels, but the major air waves are completely dominated by large corporations.
Now add the Covid lock downs, so this makes it a even greater obstacle to get a following going.
Cost of living keeps going up, so all those guitars that are being taken to the pawn shop, is just a grave yard of new music, that will never be heard. Things can change though, but maybe the 90's was the peak of music, to a very long drawn out down trend, until the culture is right, and ready for a new sound.