Is Old Music Killing New Music?

The 60s had a lot of great, classic iconic songs, had a lot of great underrated, lesser known and unknown songs but it also had a lot of crap

The 70s had a lot of great, classic iconic songs, had a lot of great underrated, lesser known and unknown songs but it also had a lot of crap

The same is true for the 80s and 90s

And the same will be true of the 2000s and 2010s

When todays teenagers grow up and start making TV shows and movies we’ll see how many of todays music shows up

First Wilson Pickett was awesome....loved his stuff....

In a general sense I agree with above, but my personal feeling is something fairly drastic happened to music from the 70's to the 80's....with the advent of MTV and such it wasn't any longer so much about the music but about the video....MTV wasn't the sole culprit but I really believed that popular music was moving away from great musicians and instruments (at least rarely at the fore front)....and that has very much continued.....

The age of the great musicians being famous and at the fore front of music has long since passed.....Just one old man's opinion.....

Face's point is well taken, I think unlike Led Zep, Pink Floyd, the Allmans, many bands that started in the 80's and 90's will stand that test of time? I think we already know the answer to that....