Having a non-White Name

Seems more like an English language thing than a white thing but I am white so whatever

it's exposure - like I'm not sure Anglo Canadians would have as much issue, but brits, yanks (and probably many aussies) like to pretend there aren't other languages (or even cultures)
the idea of pronouncing things in different dialects chafes at our imperialist souls

I'd say it's a bit of both.

An anglicized "Hasan" would be pronounced with the accent on the second syllable, and we are familiar with the pronunciation of "Hussein," where the emphasis is on the second syllable. Also, we are familiar with the French word "menage" (for various reasons) and the rapper Nicki Minaj, both of which look similar to "Minhaj" and are pronounced with the emphasis on the second syllable.

If you are a typical English-speaker and presented the name "Hasan Minhaj" with no example pronunciation, you are almost certainly going to pronounce that with the emphases on the second syllables and a silent "h" in Minhaj. That doesn't mean that when we're told the correct pronunciation that we shouldn't do it right, however.