Do you like Shakespeare?'s complicated
I do NOT want Shakespeare as literature or as canon - this leads to waaaaaaaaayyyyy too many **** productions of his plays - esp the dramas
his dramas are like ballet - you need incredible talent up and down the cast to pull it off - it should only be down by seasoned rep actors or middle school kids - HS and undergrads should go nowhere near shakespeare
(the comedies, otoh, are essentially fancy Threes Company episodes and as long as people can handle the language - go for it)
then the canon issue is significant - he is used (mostly subconsciously) too often as a gatekeeper - i would MUCH prefer students being exposed to August Wilson plays than Shakespeare plays
culturally, we'd be much better off if there were more productions of Miller, Williams, Chekhov, Kushner, Ruhl, Zimmerman, Stoppard, Mee, Parks, et al than Shakes (just as it would be better to have more Stravinski, Bartok, Glass, Part, et al than Beethoven/Mozart)
so yes, there are a precious few things better than an incredible production of his top 5-6 dramas BUT over-reliance on his works is cultural laziness