COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

I did read them. I said I wasn't going to go into them, because they weren't actually relevant to the discussion.

And I don't appreciate the repeated passive aggressive attacks coming from you, someone who didn't even read their own links and thought the research for the 2016 Nobel Prize was carried out after 2014 despite their own link to the press release making it clear it was for research done in the nineties.

Stop cherry picking and actually read your own link, which also states that snacking doesn't prevent autophagy, which was your claim.

However, some studies demonstrated that mitophagy occurred both in fasting and fed state with no significant differences or may be induced in fed state. Study on the muscle tissue of subjects after exercise showed that mitophagy was upregulated in the fed state.​
No amount of frantic googling and shifting goalposts is going to change that. Knock it off already.
No I said that anything that causes your body to produce insulin or mTOR stops autophogy. The sad part is the biological process I described is in your article and you are too busy acting smug and superior to connect the dots. Does eating affect insulin and mTOR production...yes or no? The answer is yes. Does the presence of insulin and mTOR inhibit autophogy (any autophagy)? Yes

Therefore the two are connected.