Retirement: When do you plan to retire?

I guess it depends on how you define retirement. I'm trying to figure out what that will mean for me. I think I'm defining retirement as no longer needing to work in order to live comfortably. I'm 45 with no mortgage and one car note, 3 kids ages 12-16, a decent sized 401k, and outside savings. I guess theoretically, I could sell everything and move to Montana and live the rest of life fishing (but not much else) right now, but that doesn't sound too appealing to me at the moment.

My wife "retired" a year ago, mainly b/c she burned out and we don't need the money. It puts off my own "retirement" for a while, but I like my job, so it's not a big deal.

I think my ideal retirement would be working as a consultant for like a thousand hours a year or so, solving interesting problems, but leaving all the administrative crap to other people. I could probably do that once my youngest goes to college in 6 years. We'll see if that's what I really want to do when the time comes.

My other idea for a retirement would be to either start a bourbon distillery and lose money slowly over 30 years, run a trail side tavern near a great hiking trail (also lose money slowly), or a dive shop in the Caribbean. I'd need a fair amount of money for that, b/c the way I'd want to run those would likely not be profitable, but if I do it right I can lose money slowly.