If he is there, do you draft McFadden?

I am not crazy. We have too much money in the backfield as is. The argument is assuming Deuce retires and assuming we pick up a few starters defensively in free agency. I would still desperately want either a defensive playmaker or OL with the first pick because we have various needs, but if you thought McFadden can have the same type of success as Peterson, can you just imagine having to defend that along with Reggie, Drew, and whoever is playing WR? I am not sure I would call this wishful thinking, it is more like unneccesary fantasy. If it were my fantasy, I would imaginge Peterson or LT in the backfield with Reggie. I am just toying with the idea, much like saying can you imagine if we would have drafted Randy Moss when we had the chance or taken any # of defensive superstars we passed up on. I am in no way saying I hope this happens. I just read Marlboro Man's mock draft and allowed my imagination to run wild.