Techniques for muting strums on an acoustic

This past week, my assignment includes working on Bob Dylan's "Hurricane" which incorporates muted strums with regular strums.

E.g. down/up/muted down/up/down/up/muted down/etc....

One guitar teacher uses palm muting.

The other uses the pinky finger on his fret hand and if the pinky is not available, he relaxes his fingers on the fret hand to get the muted strum.

They said I should find a way that's most comfortable with me.

I did some googling and youtubing, but most of those I found were how to palm mute an electric and I wasn't sure if it was the same principle - because the electric still produces a tone, it's just more subdued.

And a lot of the "acoustic muting" produced threads about being able to practice in such a way that the guitar makes no noise so they can practice without bothering neighbors, spouses, etc....

I am not tied to one method or another - and thought before I started practicing one way to make it routine, I'd as the guitarists what their preferences were.

Thanks in advance!