2022 Season Ticket Renewals

Andrus or any one else, correct me if I'm wrong here. Your ticket cost came out to $175 per seat or $350 a game for your two seats on average for 10 games in 2021. In 2022 the cost is $204 per seat or $408 a game for your two seats on average for 9 games in 2022. I say nine games b/c I thought the nfl said they were going to rotate 1 home preseason game one year and then two home preseason games the next year since there are only 3 preseason games now. We had two preseason home games last year so I am assuming there will only be 1 this year making for a total of 9 home games (1 not included in London) If that is the case then your tickets went up almost $30 a seat per game or $60 per set of seats per game. That's pretty ridiculous if true.
Sounds about right to me. About double what that pair originally cost me in 2006, IIRC.