2022 Season Ticket Renewals

Sort of off topic, as far as Saints season ticket invoices. But in general, an interesting spin.

One thing I have come to learn recently, in talking with someone that has their own individual LLC. Individual owned LLC's buy season tickets, then turn around and sell the tickets. They write the cost of the tickets off against their LLC and then double dip by selling the tickets. They do this for the Saints and the Pelicans, without ever having the intent on attending one game!!! There is someone else I know, who owns multiple NFL season tickets, for a number of NFL teams, including the Packers. He has been doing this for about 15 years and makes a killing. He also does it for a few NBA teams and makes good. Just not as good as he does with the 10-12 NFL teams, he has season tickets for. There are season ticket entrepreneurs out there for sure.