TWD- The final season (S11) thread

Yeah definitely another meh type episode for me too. I get the need to set up some story/stakes but it is just getting a bit too slow. Still somewhat enjoyable but so deliberate. Sort of the issue these days when going 1 show a week in a streaming world.

I also don't really get how the Commonwealth could be 50K+ strong and not have been identified by the CRM? Esp when they were doing an awful lot of traveling on choppers to Omaha and the upper West Coast...but yeah, I suppose it is just a show and all.

I think Maggie's moves are very defensible and calculated.
Whos to say the CRM isn't aware of the Commonwealth? The Commonwealth doesn't seem to have Helicopters and Military type vehicles like the CRM, so they may know little about the CRM. If the CRM is aware of Alexandria, they have to be aware of the Commonwealth. I have a suspicion that this will be the plot of the Rick Grimes movies.
I have no doubt that The Alexandians will eventually ovetthrow Pam Milton and get rid of her class structure. Then enters the CRM and Rick Grimes...