Austin Columnist Knows the Deal
>>Don't think so, TPS - google him and read through his articles, especially the ones on Burnt Orange Nation. More of a homer than an attention monger...
You could see the swipes at UT and then in the sidebar they have that article about Stoops being the best coach in the Big XII which we all know is anathema (sp?) to Austin. :hihi:
Let me see if I can find the article about Bush for Heisman and see if it was Bohls or someone else maybe from the Dallas Market or something.
Here it is.
I think they guy's writing style is okay, but you get the feeling that there are some jabs at the locals (not a problem to be depreciating of homer teams and therefore adding credibility). JMO. Someone from Austin would have to weigh in who has a history with this guy. Powder Keg brough him up once after a long night of drinking. :covri: