This Obama stuff is getting out of hand

I won't vote for him because firstly I don't trust the democrat party. Too often they stand for getting elected into office instead of protecting the interest of the US and the ideals this country were built on. (and don;t come back with Bush slaughtering the constitution etc.)
why can't we come back with Bush's manipulation/attempted manipulations of the Constitution? I don't trust either party. I see no reason why the GOP is more worthy of my trust than any other. You think Republicans don't run just to get elected and out of self-interest? Please.... this is utter nonsense.

I also won't vote for him because of his muslim ties. It may be a peaceful religion but its too much a volatile religion at this point to vote him into the highest office in the land. Heck, people are giving Romney all kinds of problems because he's Mormon, and Huckabee because he's christian. I have not seen world chaos and homicide bombers killing innocent people for the cause of those religions and yet people are willing to overlook a Muslim candidate?
Crusades? Spanish Inquisition? Religious cleansing and wars in France and Europe? The mass murder of people refusing to convert to Christianity anywhere settlers went? Silence (up until recently) regarding the extermination of Jews before and during WW2? Acting like Christians are the religious moral compass and standard for any other religion is completely dismissable.

This also sounds like people dismissing Kennedy because he was Catholic and they feared him becoming a papal puppet and his Catholic ties.

And why would they give him problems for being Muslim when he is not?

I won't vote for him because he came out of nowhere just 4 years ago and his ancestral ties to this country is his mom. Sorry but I have a problem with this fast track to the presidency for the sole reason of trust and security.
"ancestral ties"? What sort of legitimacy is that? What does one's ancestry mean? How far back should you have to go in order to run for president? Doesn't that run counter to the meritocratic rhetoric this nation prides itself on (however true or false)

I'm opposed to foreign nationals being able to be president but I would prefer allowing Arnold run for president before Obama if for no other reason than he has done more to prove to me he is 100% committed to the principles of the USA. We only have 4 years of Obama to know what he is truly about.
So..... opposed to foreign nationals but Arnold is okay. So it's not about where people are from - it's about the amount of time they've lived here?

This entire thread reads of nothing but hypocrisy.

Here are some non PC comments many Obama folks love to criticize.
they are criticized not for being non-PC, but because they are too inherently contradictory to make any sense and it seems a product of media-fed xenophobia.

And I am not an one of "Obama folk" either - I'm a pretty staunch libertarian so Obama gives me pause for other reasons.