Looks like Winston is going to be back in play for the saints. Mod edit

Agreed. This is PROFESSIONAL football, it’s not personal, it’s jus BUSINESS! EVERYBODY understands Teams wanna do wats best for their team, players wanna do wats best for themselves. From his time at TB, Jameis knows this.

JW also knows the questions about his play remain, n his unfortunate early season ending injury only complicated things for him. So IMO, for now, he can take a 3-4 year 70 mil deal.N because he’s still young, only 28, IF he plays well, he’ll put himself in position for a BIG payday!

We’ll see.
He had a HC in Tampa(Bruce Arians) his last two seasons who constantly criticized him, sometimes made catty, borderline unprofessional remarks about his talent level at post-game press conferences. Just because the NFL is a business doesn't mean or ensure all your fellow teammates, assistant coaches, or your own HC won't bash you, try to sabotage your career by lying about you, or talking sheet behind your back or in public.

We have an NFL Commissioner who has shown a clear tendency of little to no integrity, is universally disliked as a person, has been accused of lying, misappropriating or misplacing evidence in cases to get PR-convenient results he desired. He comes across as obnoxious, petty, deceitful, and often times has tried to stir up hatred when his arse stands at the podium to open the Draft every year. Bullshirt to the NFL being just a business, maybe so but the current NFL FO leaders have no to little integrity, and personal responsibility. Arguably, their cowards too for trying to subvert/destroy the BLM/Colin Keepernick anti-police brutality movement he started almost 6 years ago, and cost him his career.

Oh, and BTW, have I mentioned the term: Bountygate.