N/S Browns $plash out for Brissett

What QB has Payton developed? Grayson? Griffin? Daniels? He made a smart move signing Brees with a nudge from Parcels but Payton has not developed a QB not even one that studied behind Brees and went on to Garner success on another team.

Payton is a HOF Coach that can win but I would not call him a QB developer as much as he is a master at game planning and scheming an offense to the talent available.
What about the development of Brees himself? He was a QB that began playing some B+/A- football in 2004 once he saw that his possible replacement was brought in. He was not the slam dunk first ballot HOFer and Super Bowl MVP we came to know. Acquiring Brees was big news around this time 16 years ago, but drafting Reggie Bush over a month later was supposed to be our game-changing acquisition of the 2006 offseason.