Looks like Winston is going to be back in play for the saints. Mod edit

It doesn't bother me that it's your opinion. What bothers me is that you make the claim but never support that claim and keep talking about a "vision" you think the Saints have at QB, but never say what that vision is or why you think they have that vision. Beyond that it's not that you think they are looking at other options, but you somehow claim that Winston is not an option when they already made him a contract offer before going after Watson.

And you keep saying that people say that Winston is the "only" option which isn't true. All people are saying is that they think he is the "best" option for the short term. Not that he is the only option and I'm not sure that many, if any, think he is the best long term option.

And I don't care if the Saints think Winston is the best option or not, but whoever they are going to go with they need to do it soon so that they can move on to singing a WR or two and filling other holes on offense.

But, overall, I have no issue with anyone having any opinion they want. But, I do take issue if they keep repeating that opinion on a board made for discussions and refuse to explain why they hold that opinion. I mean, if you still think Ian Book is the future, that's fine, but please explain why you think that.

I know meily was (still is?) an IB16 supporter. I tend to agree with his arguments about why IB16 COULD be the guy. I wanted IB16 to sit for a year...the entire year...for his best chance to develop. That "mostly" happened, and now we're looking at a guy with 2 off-seasons in the Saints program, and an entire season of practice with his teammates; for a guy who checks ALL of Parcells' 7 requirements (and therefore, CSPs requirements) for a franchise QB. If IB16 is ever going to flash starter potential, THIS is the year. If he doesn't seize the opportunity, I'll join the ranks who've viewed him as nothing more than a backup ever since his Miami game. Those folks may be right about him, but if so, it won't be because of that single game.

I don't know if IB16 is the future, but I BADLY want him to be. In the meantime, if you want to get technical, he's the best option available to the Saints right NOW! Of course, that could change with the stroke of a pen, but at this very moment, it's him....until TH7 is healthy and cleared to play. And I imagine IB16 will get TH7 snaps in practice. Not a bad thing, no matter whether he's a starter or a backup.

But if I'm being honest, my confidence that IB16 COULD be the guy took a serious hit with the DW4 pursuit. I get that DW4's on-field talent is all-pro caliber, but the fact that the Saints FO was willing to entertain the "baggage" that came along with that indicates to me that IB16 isn't showing enough promise at this time to warrant doing "nothing" until he shows the world what he's become. So with that acknowledged, I'm thinking the draft will be the next clue about the IB16 situation. If we don't take a flier on ANY QB in this draft, in any round, he's at least on par with what this year's class of QBs is expected to be. If they do, IB16 is viewed as a backup, or maybe even a bust. JMO...