They think Terry Fontenot is a Mole for the Saints (Quote from their Message Board)

What a disgusting take. It's fine if you don't like him or don't want him in NO, but at least try to be objective about it.

I don't know if you're in that 'we didn't get him, so he's a sick pervert" crowd or not, but he's allegedly a pervert. Allegedly a 'sicko loser'. He never did anything to you, nor do you know anyone he did it to, nor were you the room when these acts supposedly took place. Then a jury wasn't able to find any evidence in those supposed criminal acts. You're claiming a man as guilty with no evidence. That isn't how the law works. Innocent until proven guilty. Until it's proven otherwise, his character and leadership traits hold true. You can't blame a nearly Superbowl/deep playoff-caliber football team for going after an elite QB that was found innocent by a jury looking for any reason to lock him up.
Not to start this discussion up again, but the only thing up for grabs in court is whether Watson is a criminal creep. What his camp admits to is more than enough to classify him as a pervert with terrible decision-making skills. Even admitting the unlikely event that those 22 women are somehow in cabal against him and are all lying, what he admits to doing is incredibly sketchy (flying around the country setting up massages with no sheet on Instagram). He also defends he's done nothing wrong, so my guess is you haven't seen the end of it.