COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

What a weird take

and how disrespectful to every restaurant (and business) that closed due to Covid

Gordon Ramsay placed another order of attention this morning by claiming that a key impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was its getting rid of “crap” restaurants. As reported by the Guardian, speaking to Ed Balls (for unknown reasons) in the Radio Times, the chef said that while lockdowns had been “devastating the last two years ... I think what has been evident for all of us is the crap’s gone.”

A typically sweary provocation from the master of the art and little more. Well, not quite, because Ramsay’s definition of “crap” went on not just to bolster his argument, but to consign irony to its grave forevermore:

“Well, just sheetholes in a prime position and taking advantage because they’re in a great location, and they’ve got the footfall. But now we’ve wiped the slate clean, which is good,” he said............