Teddy or Jameis?

5 days ago - Cam would have danced the Jig on Insta if we would have landed Watson... There was a 1 million page thread on it here... As opposed to the 20 page thread when JW was signed.

It's not contrarian... It's direct observation... without the fanboy glasses.

Well, sure. Everyone wanted Watson including me and you. But that doesn't change the fact that Cam isn't a fanboy or a lemming and yet he is happy that we signed Winston. So, maybe it's possible that everyone that likes the Winston signing isn't a fanboy or a lemming? And maybe they just think he was the best option available at this time?

But, that doesn't change the fact that Winston is a at worst a solid starting QB with upside to be very good. Maybe he never gets there, but IMO it's better than going with a guy that you pretty much know isn't going to get much better. And in the circumstance we are in, Winston is the best option considering the draft pick consideration and health of other options. And maybe in the end, that will turn out to be wrong. But, I just find it strange that you really want it to be the case that people just hold that position because they are lemmings and fan boys, when there are valid arguments for why Winston is the best option. I also think there are possibly valid arguments for Jimmy G and Mayfield. Although I disagree with those arguments, I don't just assume it's because those people are lemmings or Jimmy G/Mayfield fanboys.