My point here was the "following the herd" post response... Most of the herd switched fanboy glasses real quick when Watson was thrown into the equation...
I mean, changing to wanting Watson when he comes on the market is pretty much so a sign that people weren't Winston fanboys or part of a herd in the first place isn't it? Watson is just an objectively better QB than Winston and even Winston's ceiling isn't as high as Watson's ceiling.
Changing your mind when new data and new options come available is a sign of intelligence and flexibility, not herd mentality. Herd mentality is refusing to change you mind despite new information and new opportunities.
And I still don't get your fascination will calling people who disagree with you "fanboys", "lemmings", or part of a "herd." I mean, what are we kids? Can't we just have a rational conversation without trying to refute what someone says with ad hominem arguments?