$$$ is the answer.
It makes players who want to play in warmer cities sign with Cleveland. It also makes the players who are trying to escape poorly run franchises....sign with Cleveland. (other franchises too, but Cleveland is just so easy and obvious right now). There are 230M guaranteed reasons that a decent player would go there. And it's obvious that's the reason. (silly question)
I don't begrudge anyone "getting paid", not even "stupid money", but I wish they wouldn't disrespect us by peddling some BS story. DW4 is the obvious, most recent reference. OBJ is another one. Said he wanted to go somewhere with more "touches" available for him. Shuns the hometown Saints, who are so thirsty for a sure-handed receiver that he would've been the instant #1 and the offense probably would have run through him. He was looking at a career year, in touches, and probably would've been the "missing link" to make the Saints serious contenders. Instead, signs with the Rams, where he was at best a #3 receiver option (same as the Browns team he forced his way out of) and cited the Rams being SB contenders; at the time he signed, they were no more of a contender than the Saints. So why did he make a decision that seems so head-scratching from his stated reason? We don't know what the Saints offer looked like, but if we could find out, I'm willing to bet it was the money.
It's always the $$$. These guys want paid, but they don't want us to know they want paid. FWIW, I can respect a guy more if he just says "I'm hoping to go to an organization that ___________________ (fill in the blank for truly desired outcome), but if the money was right, I'd consider other options." I hear THAT, and think "smart guy....so would I". I hear the former and think "yeah, right"; then when he signs, it's confirmed that "yep....LIAR....can't be trusted." And once you acquire a reputation as a mercenary/whore who sells to the highest bidder, those are the only folks interested in you. JMO...