Truth. But teams are obvious about it; they don't trade guys who are a bargain because they're "going a different direction." They're trading or cutting guys whose salary exceeds their skills. Maybe it's our fault, as fans, for wanting to believe them when they say they want "a chance to play for a contender" or "play with player X", or "a chance to showcase their underutilized skillset". About 95 times out of a hundred, they just wanna get paid by the highest bidder, and are "selling" it as something else.
Like I said before, I don't begrudge them getting paid; I just hate the mis-direction of the marketed reason. The best players in the world have about 10 years (15 if they're lucky) to earn enough money to last a lifetime. I get it. Just don't tell me your reasons are anything but that. I guess I'm still raw about the DW4 BS. He forced his way out of Houston under the guise of trying to get away from a dysfunctional franchise, and stated his preference for a warm weather team. But as soon as the $$$ hit the table, he signed with a dysfunctional franchise that usually has snow on the ground for all but the 1st month of football season, and plays in an outdoor stadium that blasts cold Canadian air over the Great Lakes. I'd rather he just said, "I'm looking to get paid; I've got some civil suits to settle." It'd be hard to fuss 'em, or second guess ourselves why the Saints didn't land 'em, if they just said the "real" reason out loud.