PJ Williams re-signed

I mean, we had a hole to fill at FS/SS so it's smart to fill it before the draft so you aren't forced to draft one and we do need a penetrator at DT. It may be that the plan is to rely on an offensive player heavy draft to fill out the offense. Given the prices for WRs in the free agent market this year, that might not be a bad plan.

Also, they signed Forrest Lamp to provide depth/competition for the interior OL yesterday so it's not like they aren't doing anything on offense especially when you consider the additions of Winson, TQS, and Harty. I mean, I'd love some impact players but the cap adjustment plan wasn't going to allow for that in this market and there really isn't any great players available on offense at this point. Still, I hope they bring in a mid-level WR like Many Sanders or trade for a guy like Cooks.
This is the team getting ready to build through the draft and get out of the overpaying game. I like the way we are setting ourselves up it’s very smart and needed to be done.