Where there's smoke there's fire.

If there is a specific QB they like, and you don't trade up high in the 1st unless it's for a specific guy, I don't know why you make this deal this early when you don't know if you have enough ammunition to go up and get that guy and you don't know if he will be gone before you can trade up to the spot you need to trade to in order to get him.

IMO, if the plan was to get a QB, then you wait to do a deal until closer to draft day and the deal is for a boat load of future picks. You don't bother using Philly as an intermediary and you don't pull the trigger on the deal until you know the guy you want is available and you know you have a deal with the team on the clock at that time. Anything else doesn't make sense.

Well I think to some degree you have some fail safe built in. Much like the Watson sweepstakes you put yourself in posiiton to make a play, then you hope for things to fall your way.

Saints are now in proper position to move to 5, but as you point out variables are there that could lead to many outcomesas well. I think the backup plan here is that the Saints are comfortable with the players that will be in that range as well.

Miss on QB and perhaps theres an OT and LT that can be placed around Winston but yeah I don't think they are looking to build around him, they are looking to replace him. His contract doesn't scream build around me money and neither does their obvious flirting with Watson then pivot back to Winston.

If this were the case they could have saved $20m dollars on Jameis and let Dalton and Bortles bridge you until the rook is ready, which is why it wont be QB on day1 or day2. Drafting a QB early will only create controversy on 'who's the QB' when your current QB can use weapons and help. Saints need protection and they need playmakers.
Reread. I said the problem w/ Bortles/Dalton or any of those guys is they CANT challenge Winston for #1. If you go up and draft a QB you're hoping he can be a #2 and compete for #1 or out right Win it.
Said he wants a running qb brought in a rpo guy tried to get deshaun Watson yup ain’t no fire there
Never said he wanted a running QB. Said they liked a QB that can IMPROV.. that's not the same as a running QB or RPO QB. Your facts are wrong thus making your argument weak.