Where there's smoke there's fire.

Man we better not go QB. Get Jameis an elite WR or two at 16 and 19 so he can have a Pro Bowl year and get the offense back to top 5-10. That’s all he and the offense are missing.

What does that say about Winston if the Saints do move ahead of Carolina or Atlanta and take a QB? Carmichael, Allen and Ronald Curry have been with Winston through film room his entire time he's been in New Orleans, has seen him in practices and the F.O signed him to a 2 year deal. It seems he still hasn't proven he is their guy long term. This is year 3 of Winston in New Orleans this offseason. Ride it out with Winston this year but its not out of the realm of possibility that the Saints go with an insurance policy if they like a QB enough to go get him at 5 or 9.

You also have to account there is no more Payton, what kinda Winston are you getting? What impact did Payton have when he was on the sidelines? If the move is to slide up to 5 and take a QB, you better hit and hit big. A bust of that magnitude is catastrophic, franchise busting if you're wrong.