Where there's smoke there's fire.

Yeah, if you don't think Winston is a solid QB and your plan is to move up in the draft by any means necessary to get the guy you want, you don't give Winston a 2 year contract with 21 million guaranteed. You do what Atlanta did and sign Mariota or someone like him to a cheap contract. Hell, you might just sign Dalton as your bridge QB to the rookie. Makes no sense to tie up $21 million in Winston for 2 years if they plan is to go all in for a rookie QB in the top 10 of the draft.

That being said, I could see them taking Picket or Willis at #16 if one of them somehow falls to that spot.
RIght. That said, the plan may be for have Winston for a year or two more and draft a QB in 2023 or 2024. But I don't think we draft one this year...unless one we REALLY like falls in our lap.