Where there's smoke there's fire.

Well I think to some degree you have some fail safe built in. Much like the Watson sweepstakes you put yourself in posiiton to make a play, then you hope for things to fall your way.

Saints are now in proper position to move to 5, but as you point out variables are there that could lead to many outcomesas well. I think the backup plan here is that the Saints are comfortable with the players that will be in that range as well.

Miss on QB and perhaps theres an OT and LT that can be placed around Winston but yeah I don't think they are looking to build around him, they are looking to replace him. His contract doesn't scream build around me money and neither does their obvious flirting with Watson then pivot back to Winston.

Reread. I said the problem w/ Bortles/Dalton or any of those guys is they CANT challenge Winston for #1. If you go up and draft a QB you're hoping he can be a #2 and compete for #1 or out right Win it.

Never said he wanted a running QB. Said they liked a QB that can IMPROV.. that's not the same as a running QB or RPO QB. Your facts are wrong thus making your argument weak.
Sound like a chick nitpicking because I said I’m in the living room and I didn’t say I was playing the game lol I don’t Care find me a slow qb running the rpo tannerhill probably the closest your going to get and he was a ex receiver and as much as some like to be right I want my team to win in the future jameis cool but he silly you seen cam asking for other qbs what other team got they solidified players calling for the qb to be switched out argue somebody else