Where there's smoke there's fire.

If there was a QB in this draft like Andrew Luck, a QB ready to step in and start, then I'm all in for taking those picks and moving up. There is no one in this draft like that. Plus we have too many holes right now. I hope we take those picks and get players that can help us now, hopefully OT and WR.

Never said I liked the move. Just last week I felt like it was great that we took ourselves out of that scenario but you don't give up what you gave up for anything less than a move to get a QB.

I see the common question is "Why not trade up to 5" and the answer is this. Perhaps the team you have a trade in place w/ also has a stipulation that a player they want has to be off the board.

It's a sure we'll trade pick 5 to you for this and this IF...and the if depends on if the board falls in such a way that they miss on a player they covet. If the board falls a way in that a guy they like is there, then the Saints will either work the phones to see if another team is willing, they'll miss out on their top 5 target, or they stay put and get two prospects in the teens.

It's really a win, win, win scenario but there's a lot of moving parts. And a lot of ways at the end of this people can say "I told you so" as all the possibilities are open right now.

In other words, nobody's POV is wrong at this point, but I think they are stackable.

Franchise QB/Build around Jameis for this year with eye towards future.