Where there's smoke there's fire.

Yeah, but if your plan is to move up for a rookie QB in the top 5 why give that money to Winston when you can sign a vet like Dalton or Mariota for much less money and use that money to sign Armstead to protect your rookie QB and/or to get your rookie QB a reliable WR opposite of Michael Thomas?

I just think everything about the way they are going about this offseason points to building the team to the point that either Winston can succeed with this team, or your team is ready for a rookie QB to come in next year or for a lower round pick to have a couple years to develop. But, sure, I could be wrong.

It would also contradict what Loomis said about it being too expensive for the Saints to go up and get a QB this year and his statement that it's not realistic to think the Saints can get a starting QB in the draft this year. Maybe Loomis is just blowing smoke, but I don't think so.
Who said that that was the plan, and who said that the plan is even to draft a QB? All speculation at this point.