Mike Tanier criticising Loomis' cap management again

Really? We went from the joke of the league to a Championship then at the top of the league except for one or two teams. Been here since 1966 and I am more than satisfied
Again, I think you're wrong. Of course he would have done what he did. One and outs suck, but you can't get to the superbowl without getting to the playoffs.

Hindsight is clouding your vision and concern for someone else's money or something.

We were extraordinarily successful. You seem to be under the impression that success in the NFL is judged by Superbowls when that's not really true. You have to be successful to have a chance at the Superbowl and while first round losses are frustrating, it's all the path to a championship.

Do you think he'd have done a better job saving all that money and going 7 and 9? If so, what kind of Saints fan are you?
Yep…with Drew Brees…playoff appearances aren’t a success. You can think what you want but history is going to say that we had the most talented team for a number of years with one of the great QBs of all-time and we struggled in the playoffs.

But again…I have no objections to Loomis’s strategy. It was the right strategy… but the Saints still need to play football. Loomis doesn’t wear pads.