Mike Tanier criticising Loomis' cap management again

Yep…with Drew Brees…playoff appearances aren’t a success. You can think what you want but history is going to say that we had the most talented team for a number of years with one of the great QBs of all-time and we struggled in the playoffs.

But again…I have no objections to Loomis’s strategy. It was the right strategy… but the Saints still need to play football. Loomis doesn’t wear pads.

Football is a business intended to sell beer to enthusiastic fans. The key to butts in seats is success and success is defined as whatever puts butts in seats. The Saints have been a success by that metric for the entirety of Payton's career. And, they will continue to be as long as we have a good product on the field with an opportunity to win and excite fants.

We have played football better than anyone over the past 5 years and you can't win a superbowl if you don't give yourself the chance. What Loomis has done was give us that chance. Any objection in hindsight is stupid. Period.