Where there's smoke there's fire.

I love how you all are pushing the QB narrative and trying to talk yourselves into drafting one of these QBs, when they are not that highly rated....all in spite of having a fairly young QB with proven NFL success that was just given a new contract AND a veteran backup to improve the room. Why put your best most valuable capital into a backup player when you have more pressing holes to fill? Now that Drew is gone please don't turn into QB ****** like every year we gotta draft one in the 1st round. Where is Pickett or Ridder or Willis or Corral gonna play on this team? And why is nobody still screaming about Ian Book yall said he was the next one he was it!!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: is his career over that fast 1 game wow! I guess it's on to the next draft fad huhn?