Where there's smoke there's fire.

Where there's smoke, there's a guy standing around coughing with tears in his eyes. JW is our QB for the next two years minimum. We may look for a project on Day 2/3, but I'm betting the coaching staff know what they have in JW. Unless he lays a huge egg this season, he is ours going forward. Hell, we don't really know what the staff thinks about Book, maybe they think he has potential, who knows? The coaches, that's who. I also think that bringing in Dalton was a stone aimed at two birds. He is a servicable backup and he has knowledge. He knows what to do and how to do it as a QB, he just isn't a star quality "doer". He can teach young Book a few things, I'm sure. And if needed, step into the starter role if JW gets hurt.

I think we will use the Day 1 and Day 2 picks to give JW all the help he needs to be successful. A WR that can contribute day one, shore up the OL, then we go BPA. It also wouldn't surprise me if we took a hard look at RB since we don't know what will happen with AK or when it will happen.