I spend time in Seattle and the word on the street up there (for several months I've heard this) is that members of the Hornets organization are there regularly and fully intend for the team to land there after leaving NOLA in the near future. I don't keep up with the Supersonics one wit but I do know they were sold to a group in Oklahoma last year and I think they are scheduled to leave Seattle after this season (though feel free to correct me on their departure timeframe...all I know is that they are effectively gone).
Long before this Hornets-Louisiana "extension" news came out recently, I'd heard it from a couple people in Seattle that the Hornets were expecting to be there by 2010. I called B.S. on them at the time but now...looks like they might be right becuase that "extension" looked more like an "out" to me.
I've been to my share of Hornets games and while they are fun, I'm fairly certain this region of the country is never going to be a big basketball market. So for that reason, no hate from me to the Hornets if they do indeed leave...I'm just glad Louisiana (supposedly) gets a nice big chunk of cash out of them on the way out the door so that they can turna round and, oh...say...put a downpayment on a new football stadium (or do another massive renevotation phase to the Dome) to take the one professional team that absolutely SHOULD be in this region and lock'em up for all eternity...Gov. Jindal...paging Gov. Bobby Jindal...can you dig this?