The Electric Vehicle (EV) discussion thread (Merged)

So, maybe this has already been covered but are there any decently priced options for any EV or Hybrids these days?

I'm not in the market yet, but I might soon be in the market. I'm probably looking for something that can handle some light off road driving since I live in New Orleans and my commute involves driving over roads that are often only slightly worse than the average dirt road. I like the idea of an EV or Hybrid, but the prices seem high and I'm not sure how you use a pure EV for a daily commute without having to install a charging station at your house. Or what kind of cost that has.

Anyway, I guess I'm curious on the consensus regarding whether the tech is at a point where it works well enough and is cost effective enough for the average person. My main issue in the past, other than cost and charging options, for EV and Hybrids is that they always seem to feel the need to make them look like ugly old people cars instead of just making a nice car that happens to have an electric motor or be a hybrid. Like why make the Prius so ugly when you could have just made it look like a Camry?
There's plenty out there that is affordable and there is plenty out there that have sufficient range (my definition - 350 mi EPA range). I have not yet found both. That Fisker Ocean may hit that if it's ever released. But I think we're a year plus out from good options for both.