COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

Stating opinions as fact doesn't make them fact. "We're loathe?" No, "we're" not. Not sure who needs convincing or what purpose twisting events into a "Ha, I told you" moment even serves.

Let's try again.

"When a threat changes, we need to change our response."

Simple. Does not include inflammatory partisan wedges. Acknowledges reality. Does not tie correlative events as cause. Does not trigger the mentally/emotionally fragile into overreacting or giving money.

If your claim is that "masking did not work against omicron" then okay. Let's look at ALL the variables systematically moving forward. Except this particular virus is/was elusive, testing sporatic, humans being humans, etc. :covri:

If not masks, do we bolster ventilation systems in preparation for the next wave, or even to improve conditions and productivity in general?

Masking did not work against omicron.

The rest of this I don't know what else to say that isn't totally unrelated to the topic, so I'll just let it go.