Greatest Easter Candy

I DESPISED peeps. Hated them. I would go out of my way to mutilate them through the wrappers whenever I had the misfortune of coming faceā€to-face with them in the store.

Them ol' beady eyes and goofy looking duck bills (I later learned they were chickens). I poked and squeezed them something awful.

In any event, I tried one on a dare and was like

That was the tastiest marshmallow ducken I'd ever had. The fruit punch flavor was my favorite.

I've since given them up, but to this day, I can't look them in the eye if I pass them in the grocery store. The years of abuse they suffered at my hands... For nothing.

Come back to the dark side.

You haven't truly done Easter until you have done Peep jousting.
The fun of watching them mutilate each other...